Friday, February 1, 2013

A few thoughts on solar energy today

Why EVER give tax break to a billion dollar oil company? Give those breaks to small businesses and those who need it!

While some politicians are supporting dirty energy and causing more than a fuss over tax credits to green industries - some of which survive and evolve at the grace of the tax-breaks - other politicians are supporting green and clean energy which will rid America's dependence on imported and expendable fuels.

The question isn't even about politics anymore. It's about lobbyism. I will argue that any informed person, with a common sense, who doesn't take oil money as campaign donations, would agree with the notion, that the transition to green is good. Coal, oil, nuclear and gas is either destroying our climate and/or becoming increasingly expensive. The transition to the green and renewable energy economy is happening and we should help it along, not fight it with campaign ads and political banter.


  • 2012 saw more solar workers than coal workers
  • Solar industry grew 40% per year from 2000 to 2010, with a minor slowdown in 2010-2012 due to the recession, 
  • Employment in the solar industry grew over 12% in 2012, the fastest growing industry in the US.
  • Cost of solar panels fell over 50% from 2010 to 2012 and solar energy is now cheaper than electricity bought from the grid in several US States.

Support the politicians in your district or state who support the clean energy transition. Don't let the US fall behind and don't let big oil and the energy utilities control the agenda.

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