So here is my suggestion for a climate bill for the US: Its the very simple cap and trade.
Cap emissions down 20-30% by 2020 (from 2005 levels) by issuing co2-permits on an exchange. Let the utilities trade them on the exchange on daily/monthly basis. As time goes by, start reducing the amount of permits to reduce emissions. Give parts of the proceeds from issuing as tax-cuts or rebates for those families who will be struck the hardest (i.e. in states that have fewer natural renewable energy resources) and subsidize R&D in new and existing renewable technology
Finally use part of the proceeds as part of the financing of a new mega-project; the smart grid: Expanding the current transmission networks to better interconnect states and increase efficiency and trade of power, as well as decrease distances to wind- and solar rich geographic locations.It has been suggested by several sources, that such mega-projects also significantly help to increase economic activity in the long-run (
Its simple, effective, gives incentive for efficiency and renewable energy - and also rewards current industries and states for having planned ahead. How many pages would such a bill be? 100? 200?
Why would anyone disagree with this? (Please tell me)
Ser at dine fundamentalistiske tossevenner har har afsløret deres redelighedsniveau! Pinligt, men bestemt ikke overraskende!